Database Features

Learn more about S.pombe KnowledgeGraph and its novel utilities.

Composition of S.pombe KnowledgeGraph

S.pombe KnowledgeGraph was constructed by surveying numerous journals (shown in the pie chart to the right) using GPT.

Unifying more than 6452 S.pombe studies, S.pombe KnowledgeGraph can be used to study genes, metabolites, tissues, and other biological entities, illuminating over 421198 relationships altogether.

Searching S.pombe KnowledgeGraph

S.pombe KnowledgeGraph offers three search options:

Term Searches

Search by keywords and gene IDs:

  • CESA1
  • AT4G32410
  • Proline

Author Search

Finds and displays publications by author.

Pubmed ID Search
Displays publications of interest by Pubmed ID.

Search Results

All search queries with hits return six results:

Number of Papers
A sample entity-relationship graph

The number of abstracts in the database containing the search query is shown for reference.

Entity Relationship Graph
A sample entity-relationship graph

This directed graph summarizes the various entities in the database sharing relationships with the search query. Each circle (i.e., node) and arrow (i.e., edge) on the graph represents an entity and a relationship shared between two entities, respectively.

This graph is also interactive; the user can alter its appearance via several options.

Text Summary
Text-summary of search results

A text summary of the entity-relationship graph is shown for reference, where each paragraph corresponds to a separate cluster of nodes.

Entity Relationship Table
A sample entity-relationship graph
A table summary of the node-edge interactions in the Knowledge Network graph is also shown, which is fully sortable, downloadable as a TSV file, and has hyperlinked Pubmed IDs.